

Vocal Arts: Related Studies in Vocal Arts: Director of Chamber Choir, Oratorio Seminar

Vocal Arts: Related Studies in Vocal Arts: Director of Chamber Choir, Oratorio Seminar

指挥兼男中音Malcolm J. Merriweather enjoys a versatile career with performances ranging from the songs of Margaret Bonds to gems of the symphonic choral repertoire. The baritone can be heard on the GRAMMY nominated recording of Paul Moravec’s 圣路 (纳克索斯岛). 被歌剧新闻称赞为“感人的……专业的诠释”, 玛格丽特·邦兹:《newbb电子平台》 & 选择的歌曲 (AVIE)在世界各地赢得了相当大的赞誉. 

He is Director of the New York Philharmonic Chorus 和 Music Director of New York City’s, 德索夫合唱团, known for their performances of great choral works from the pre-Baroque era through the 21st century. 副教授, Director of Choral Studies 和 Voice Department Coordinator 在布鲁克林学院 of the City University of New York, 他还加入了newbb电子. 他是“海地之声”的创始艺术总监,一个有60名成员的儿童合唱团在太子港, 海地, 由安德烈·波切利基金会运营. 

Maestro Merriweather’s 2022-2023 begins leading the Choir of Trinity Wall Street in three performances (staged) of 考虑到马修·谢泼德. His new appointment as Director of the New York Philharmonic Chorus launches preparing the professional choir for three programs throughout the season for Maestro Jaap van Zweden including Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony for the reopening of David Geffen Hall at Lincoln Center. With the Dessoff Choirs he conducts Duruflé’s Requiem, Bach’s St. John Passion 和 motets by Vicente Lusitano, the first Black published composer. This season includes the long-awaited release of the premiere recording of Margaret Bonds’s 信条 西门背负十字架 带有AVIE标签. His solo baritone engagements include Messiah at Carnegie Hall; 圣路 with the Cincinnati May Festival 和 the Penn Square Music Festival. 

Merriweather’s 2021-2022 was filled with singing 和 conducting engagements as the world emerged from the grip of the p和emic. With the Dessoff Choirs, he conducts the New York premiere of 考虑到马修·谢泼德; Christmas 与德索夫合唱团合作 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art; premieres of Margaret Bonds’s 信条 西门背负十字架; 和, appearances in the oratorio 圣路 with North Carolina Opera 和 with the 肖托夸交响乐团. 

 在大流行中, Merriweather’s 2020-2021 season was enriched with guest lectures 和 virtual appearances around the world, 尤其是在耶鲁大学和哥伦比亚大学. 他发起了一系列的虚拟活动,包括 “Dessoff对话” 小组讨论 Tulsa 1921, “Catch the Fire”: Social Justice through Sound, Film, 和 Curriculum. 这些谈话强调社会正义问题, 股本, 和 inclusion as they relate to classical music 和 the choral art.  

Highlights from Merriweather’s 2019-2020 season included Fauré’s Requiem; Rutter’s 百里香的小枝; 和 Gregg Smith’s 大陆和声学者 与德索夫合唱团合作. He was engaged by the Columbus Symphony Orchestra for Paul Moravec’s 圣路, 和 at the Eastman School of Music for 美国合唱指挥协会 Eastern Division Conference in Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem. The COVID-19 global p和emic forced cancellations with the Columbus Symphony Orchestra, 肖托夸交响乐团, 和纽约爱乐乐团. 

Merriweather’s 2018-2019 season included his Mostly Mozart debut conducting the West Choir in a world premiere of John Luther Adams’s 以地球之名 和 appearances with Andrea Bocelli 和 “Voices of 海地” at Madison Square Garden. He conducted three world premieres by composers Eve Beglarian, 道格拉斯Geers, 和 Matthew Aucoin as 德索夫合唱团 celebrated the bicentennial of the birth of poet 和 journalist, 沃尔特·惠特曼. Other season highlights included: Ildebr和o Pizetti’s Requiem 和 Margaret Bonds’ 《棕色国王的歌谣 with 德索夫合唱团; H和el’s Messiah 在布鲁克林学院 和 the Harvard Club of New York; William Grant Still’s 他们在一棵树上用私刑处死他 和布鲁克林的Grace Chorale一起. 2018-2019年的独奏曲目包括巴赫的《圣. Matthew Passion; 和 H和el’s Messiah with the Worcester Chorus. 

During the summer of 2017 Merriweather lead “Voices of 海地” in performances with Andrea Bocelli at Teatro del Silenzio 和 for Pope Francis at the Vatican. Other highlights from the 2017-2018 season included: David Lang’s 卖火柴的小女孩的激情 和沃恩·威廉姆斯的 Dona nobis的平静 with 德索夫合唱团; H和el’s Messiah 在布鲁克林学院 和 the Harvard Club of New York; Leonard Bernstein’s Mass (Concert Selections) 和 Honneger’s 大卫王 在布鲁克林学院. 

Merriweather has been featured as a soloist with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, 德索夫合唱团, 纽约合唱协会, 和 Bach Vespers Choir 和 Orchestra at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in New York City. The baritone has premiered contemporary solo works by Eve Beglarian, 约翰Liberatore, 鞠立徐, 道格拉斯Fisk, 詹姆斯·阿德勒. He has been a fellowship recipient at the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival 和 at the Tanglewood Music Center. 

Merriweather holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Conducting from the studio of Kent Tritle at the Manhattan School of Music, 他的博士论文《现在我在美丽中行走?, Gregg Smith: A Biography 和 Complete Works Catalog” constituted the first complete works list for the composer 和 conductor. He received Master of Music degrees in Choral Conducting 和 in Vocal Performance from the studio of Rita Shane at the Eastman School of Music, as well as his Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education from Syracuse University, 优等生. 

His professional affiliations include membership in Pi Kappa Lambda, 美国合唱指挥协会, 和美国合唱团. 

 He was previously Music Director of the West Village Chorale, 圣教堂管风琴手和唱诗班指挥. 路加和圣. 罗切斯特市古利奈(圣公会)的西蒙, NY, 在接下来的五年里, Associate Choirmaster at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine in New York City. 

Connect with him on Twitter 和 Instagram @maestroweather 和 at malcolmjmerriweather.com 


